Interested in picking up this domain? It’s been around for more than a decade, making it established on the web. If you’re interested in grabbing it, email [email protected] with your offer!
Below is some of the original material from in 2011. More than a decade later, it’s time for someone with more time and vision to take on this domain and build a brand worthy of the name “OEM Human.”
OEM Human
“OEM” — what does that mean? “Original equipment manufacturer” — we were born with certain defaults, parameters straight from the factory of our genetic make-up. Rather than live academically in a world of “should,” hoping our nature can be wrought into a theoretical image of what we’d like it to be, we choose to seek understanding of our nature rather than fight it. Understanding our “factory settings” as human beings, we are empowered with knowledge of both our limits and our capacity for strength. OEM Human is a celebration of our strength.
I am human. I was born naked with 10 spindly fingers, 10 stubby toes, and a massively complex, dynamic brain. I’m governed by processes I often do not understand or much less acknowledge. I’m accompanied by my own inner narrator, always seeking understanding through patterns stitched together from an often chaotic existence.
So are you. You’re both the same and different as me. What are you doing to find balance between your humanity and this modern era?
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